Recent Advances in Functional Analysis

dedicated to the memory of Joe Diestel

and Victor Lomonosov

October 11 - 14, 2018

(organized  by   Kent   State  Analysis  Group)


Invited Speakers:

Sponsored by

  1. Evgeny Abakumov (Université de Marne-la-Vallée).

  2. Leonid A. Bunimovich (Georgia Institute of Technology)

  3. Marianna Csörnyei (University of Chicago)

  4. Guillermo P. Curbera (Universidad de Sevilla)

  5. Per Enflo (Kent State University)

  6. Leonid Friedlander (University of Arizona)

  7. William B. Johnson (Texas A&M University)

  8. Alexander Koldobsky (University of Missouri, Columbia)

  9. Peter Kuchment (Texas A&M University)

  10. Denka Kutzarova (The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

  11. Christopher Lennard (University of Pittsburgh)

  12. Boris Mityagin (Ohio State University)

  13. Vladimir Peller (Michigan State University).

  14. Gilles Pisier (Pierre and Marie Curie University and  Texas A & M University)

  15. Beata Randrianantoanina (Miami University)

  16. Mark Rudelson (University of Michigan)

  17. Gideon Schechtman (Weizmann Institute of Science)

  18. Thomas Schlumprecht (Texas A&M University)

  19. Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann (University of Alberta)

  20. Sergei Treil (Brown University)

  21. Vladimir Troitsky (University of Alberta)

  22. Alexander Volberg (Michigan State University)

All interested graduate students, postdocs, and faculty are encouraged to register. For further information and registration, please, check above links or  write to