The Kent State University Algebra Seminar is committed to becoming the highest quality seminar in Mathematics or, indeed, in any discipline, in this or any other conceivable World, and endeavors to proactively and assertively thwart all efforts of rival seminars to prevent the Algebra Seminar from attaining this lofty and rightful position, by striving to synergistically create and enthusiastically disseminate cutting edge research in critical and emerging areas of Group, Ring, and Field Theory, or any combination or permutation thereof. |
September 8
Hung Nguyen U. of Akron |
Characters of p'-degree and small fields of values |
September 15
Ramadan Elsharif | The Average of Some Irreducible Character degrees |
September 22
Rachel Carleton | Some Results on the Commuting Graph of a Group |
September 29
Shawn Burkett | Extending Character-Theoretic Results to Control the Structure of Normal Subgroups |
October 6
Jillian Talarcek | Repeated-Root Constacyclic Codes of Prime Power Length |
Mark Lewis | Finite Solvable Tidy Groups |
October 20
October 27
Brandon Martin | Hall Subgroups and Fully Extendible Characters |
November 3
Shannon Tefft | Finitely Generated Modules over a PID |
November 10
Samantha Wyler | Special, Extra Special, Semi Extra Special, and Ultra Special Groups |
November 17
Kyu Sang Lee | The Minkowski's bound for the calibrated norms |
November 24
December 1
Quanfu Yan | Finite Groups With Same Power Graphs |
December 8